Buy Chitrali Pakol Cap Hat Online at Low Price

Buy Chitrali Pakol Cap Hat Online at Low Price

The traditional pakol or pakul style hat is now available online. In modern Look.Inspired by the original, 

the modern pakol is more fitted around the head and can be rolled into any desired style.

The pakol is the most popular headwear among men of Northern Afghanistan. Chitral is a pure, woven wool, making it better quality.

The Pakol is made from a woollen rugged warm material with a lined interior.

their is nice combination of Imran Khan Kaptaan Chappal with Chitrali Pakol.

Originally it was more of a Pashtun headwear.It can be individually altered by rolling a thinner or thicker border.

Available in white, Black, Brown, Gray,light brown, chocolate brown, cream (ivory) and Cream.The pakol comes from the Afghan-Pakistani border region around Nuristan and Chitral.Now You can Buy Chitrali Pakol hat cap online at low price. Chitrali Pakol is the pathans hat. it is also wear in afghanistan.

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71 Product(s) Sold
  • PKR2,700.00

Tags: Pakols, Regular Traditional Pakols, Chitrali Pakols, Modern Chitrali Pakol, pakol hat, chitrali cap, pakol the pashtun hat, how to wear a pakol, afghan hat, afghan cap, mujahideen hat, pashtun hat, pakol, buy pakol, pakol hat, afghani pakol, taliban hat, afghan pakol, afghan pakol, pakol afghanistan, pakol cap, hat, buy, uk pakol, pakul, afghan hat, rebel hat, ahmad shah massoud, masood, Embroidered Pakols, Pashtoon Style, Embroidered Cream Color Pakol, Sheep Wool Pakol